3 Circles project

circles circles

Variations on intersections of three circles .... The above picture on the left shows 16 of the possible 165 cases. The above is acrylic on wood, 1.2 x 1.2 m, it's still in progress. I seem to have a lot of unfinished projects on the go right now! The picture on the right is an edited version of a file with 157 cases, which was created using python to write a latex/tikzpicture file. Here is a less pink version (blue lines). There are 8 cases missing from these computer generated files, since 8 can't be drawn with centers only at three allowed points.
I am aiming to paint all 165 variations on this circle theme; also there are many other ways of combining them and interpreting.
These are the first few of the series, which I've been working on starting in January 2019. I've been doing these on 30cm x 30cm (12inch x 12inch) canvas in oil. Doing different themes for groups of them. Each series has a different title. Also planning large works with many of these images on one piece, developing relations and transitions between them.

circles circles circles circles circles
circles circles circles circles circles
circles circles circles circles circles
circles circles circles circles
circles circles circles circles circles